Moving is a curse. Even when there is a positive outcome, packing, moving and storing our belongings is a headache. To add insult to injury, many of us need to store our valuables in storage units for months at a time. Moving in and out of the storage unit is, in and of itself, a pain--but try to find something among the boxes and stacks of boxes in a dark storage unit; talk about a needle in a haystack. Luckily, Mr Beams offers products that can minimize the hassles of navigating through your storage unit.
Most storage units are configured in a cube or rectangle--there is generally no lighting or limited lighting inside the space. Consequently, organizing your belongings in the dark can be challenging. Mr Beams offers a reasonable and portable lighting solution that can help you to maximize your efficiency inside the storage zone. Wireless LED lights from Mr Beams are battery operated. You can mount an Anywhere Ceiling Light using an adhesive or don't mount at all--if you're really looking for easy and temporary, you can simply set the light on a box, table--any surface--or lean against a wall. You'll get the same bright effect that will allow you to look for that file, book, kitchen gadget or box of "something". The motion sensors mean that you will only activate the lights when you need them--as long as you're presence is detected, the lights stay on. When you close up and go home, the lights go off and stay off until the lights detect movement again. On a new set of batteries, you can expect a minimum of twelve months' use of your light, or 4800 activations. Talk about a low-maintenance solution!
You don't really appreciate the convenience of light until you don't have it. Don't be caught in the dark while you're trying to be productive. Your time is valuable--don't waste it in a storage space! Grab some portable, battery operated Mr Beams lights the next time you head to your storage unit. You'll be glad you did.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Cheap Security System!
We chose to live in our sleepy suburb of Cleveland because the homes are spread out a bit and nobody bothers you. So Wireless Environment owner, David Levine, was shocked when his neighbor, Julian, told him that someone had kicked his back door in on Saturday. Luckily, his alarm system deployed and the intruder fled.
Julian had been a tester of the Motion Sensor Security Spotlight. This bright, battery operated security light has a motion sensor that activates when it detects motion. Julian placed a Mr Beams test unit on the front of his house in December, 2007, where he and his dog walk every night rather than hire an electrician to hard-wire a light. The Spotlight is on the original set of batteries and still turns on every time it detects motion--from as far as 30' away! David trained his dog, Darby (a previous target of this blog), to trigger the light every time David or a family member and Darby walk by--thirty-two months later, the Spotlight is still going strong; it activates every time Darby walks by.
Julian's first question to David after the intruder incident was, "how do I get more of your LED Spotlights?" Often, we don't think of home security lighting until after the fact. Since Saturday, six orders for Mr Beams motion-sensor lights were placed by Julian and his neighbors.
As our customer, Robert, stated: "crooks hate light." It is expensive to install a wired light. For $40, you can install a Mr Beams Spotlight and brighten any dark areas of your yard. For the security and safety provided by Mr Beams, it pays to be proactive and install a few battery operated motion sensor lights that may startle any would-be intruders away.
Julian had been a tester of the Motion Sensor Security Spotlight. This bright, battery operated security light has a motion sensor that activates when it detects motion. Julian placed a Mr Beams test unit on the front of his house in December, 2007, where he and his dog walk every night rather than hire an electrician to hard-wire a light. The Spotlight is on the original set of batteries and still turns on every time it detects motion--from as far as 30' away! David trained his dog, Darby (a previous target of this blog), to trigger the light every time David or a family member and Darby walk by--thirty-two months later, the Spotlight is still going strong; it activates every time Darby walks by.
Julian's first question to David after the intruder incident was, "how do I get more of your LED Spotlights?" Often, we don't think of home security lighting until after the fact. Since Saturday, six orders for Mr Beams motion-sensor lights were placed by Julian and his neighbors.
As our customer, Robert, stated: "crooks hate light." It is expensive to install a wired light. For $40, you can install a Mr Beams Spotlight and brighten any dark areas of your yard. For the security and safety provided by Mr Beams, it pays to be proactive and install a few battery operated motion sensor lights that may startle any would-be intruders away.
Jeff The Intern
This summer, we've been blessed with a college intern. Jeff has been our "go to" for all necessary tasks that take us away from our daily activities. If you called or e-mailed Wireless Environment between June 1 and now, chances are Jeff was involved in your inquiry.
Mr Beams began providing its LED motion sensing lights to the public in 2008. For two years we have been enjoying the process of getting acquainted with different industries and markets, trying to determine exactly what our customers want. In addition to a quality light that helps to brighten all of the different places where light is not available, we have learned that customer service is the most important facet of our business. Our summer intern, Jeff, is a testimony to good service. Testing every sample that goes out, owning the shipping process, visiting the post office (sometimes multiple times a day!) and responding to customer needs quickly are just some of the ways that Jeff has helped our business this summer.
Jeff has enthusiastically sold product out of his car (that's right, he peddled an Anywhere Ceiling Light to his grandfather), delivered samples to a local handyman and actively followed up on his sales efforts, not necessarily to close the deal, but to find out exactly what people like about our products and what we could be doing better--because that's what is important to Jeff.
As an avid "Simpsons" fan, Jeff could be heard chuckling over Homer Simpson tumbling down the basement stairs and commenting, "if he had a Mr Beams light, he wouldn't have fallen." I know that, when Jeff heads back to school I will be reminded of him when I employ our Test Customer, whose address is the same as the Simpson family's.
Jeff's smile is as bright as our Spotlight and we know that his sense of humor and clever wit will spread joy across the campus of the University of Toledo in just a few weeks. You can listen for Jeff's guest spots on WXUT radio in Toledo, OH. Our office will be a bit quieter when he's gone but his inventory and pretzels will be a reminder that Jeff will be back for winter break. Best of luck, Jeffrey. We'll miss you!
Mr Beams began providing its LED motion sensing lights to the public in 2008. For two years we have been enjoying the process of getting acquainted with different industries and markets, trying to determine exactly what our customers want. In addition to a quality light that helps to brighten all of the different places where light is not available, we have learned that customer service is the most important facet of our business. Our summer intern, Jeff, is a testimony to good service. Testing every sample that goes out, owning the shipping process, visiting the post office (sometimes multiple times a day!) and responding to customer needs quickly are just some of the ways that Jeff has helped our business this summer.
Jeff has enthusiastically sold product out of his car (that's right, he peddled an Anywhere Ceiling Light to his grandfather), delivered samples to a local handyman and actively followed up on his sales efforts, not necessarily to close the deal, but to find out exactly what people like about our products and what we could be doing better--because that's what is important to Jeff.
As an avid "Simpsons" fan, Jeff could be heard chuckling over Homer Simpson tumbling down the basement stairs and commenting, "if he had a Mr Beams light, he wouldn't have fallen." I know that, when Jeff heads back to school I will be reminded of him when I employ our Test Customer, whose address is the same as the Simpson family's.
Jeff's smile is as bright as our Spotlight and we know that his sense of humor and clever wit will spread joy across the campus of the University of Toledo in just a few weeks. You can listen for Jeff's guest spots on WXUT radio in Toledo, OH. Our office will be a bit quieter when he's gone but his inventory and pretzels will be a reminder that Jeff will be back for winter break. Best of luck, Jeffrey. We'll miss you!
back to school,
LED lights
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Safe Stairways R Us
Every day I become more cognizant of the importance of good lighting. I'm an early riser and prefer to get out the door before the rest of my family awakens. However, our three year old has inherited my circadian rhythm and now wakes with me which can prolong my exodus. We've got a pretty good system down where my son will hang out with me while I get ready for work and then I'll get him situated with his breakfast and some cartoons until I am ready to leave and my husband takes over. One complaint that has been issued (again and again!) by other family members is that when my early bird and I head downstairs, we turn on the hall light or the foyer light. The light is necessary because we have a landing on the staircase and if you "miss the turn", you'll be headlong down ten steps. While I can make the trip fairly confidently, I worry that the three year old, whose walking and balance skills are as reliable as a three year old's can be, will misstep in the dark (since it is still dark when we're beginning our day) and take a tumble. I began to rely on the Mr Beams Step Light to provide enough light to get us down the stairs but not enough to disturb the rest of the lucky sleepers in our home.
The Step Light is a great choice for our landing because, when it's dark, it provides a dim glow--just enough to provide orientation at the landing so you can sense both sides of the stairway. As you make your way down the stairs (or up--depending on your direction), the light shifts to 'bright' mode. The improved illumination provides safe passage for the balance of your ascent or descent. Perfect. Our little guys can see the stairway, the staircase, the landing and can actually see when they get to the bottom of the steps.
Stairs and children scare me--you cannot trust that an adventurous toddler or fearless kindergartner is going to take the time to turn a light on or off--typical kids (at least mine) are going to banzai down the stairs--dark or not--and don't consider the consequences of unsteady footing or poor lighting. If you can prevent an accident by installing at least one Step Light--it takes minutes and the product is absolutely affordable--why wouldn't you?
I have become accustomed to my little partner in the morning. As crazy as it can be, I enjoy his company before I head off to work. Adding the motion-sensing Step Light has eliminated one more worry from my list. Even as I don't think about it, I can appreciate every measure that we take to improve the quality of our lives frees up time to enjoy what is important.
More on Mr Beams and its parent company, Wireless Environment, at
The Step Light is a great choice for our landing because, when it's dark, it provides a dim glow--just enough to provide orientation at the landing so you can sense both sides of the stairway. As you make your way down the stairs (or up--depending on your direction), the light shifts to 'bright' mode. The improved illumination provides safe passage for the balance of your ascent or descent. Perfect. Our little guys can see the stairway, the staircase, the landing and can actually see when they get to the bottom of the steps.
Stairs and children scare me--you cannot trust that an adventurous toddler or fearless kindergartner is going to take the time to turn a light on or off--typical kids (at least mine) are going to banzai down the stairs--dark or not--and don't consider the consequences of unsteady footing or poor lighting. If you can prevent an accident by installing at least one Step Light--it takes minutes and the product is absolutely affordable--why wouldn't you?
I have become accustomed to my little partner in the morning. As crazy as it can be, I enjoy his company before I head off to work. Adding the motion-sensing Step Light has eliminated one more worry from my list. Even as I don't think about it, I can appreciate every measure that we take to improve the quality of our lives frees up time to enjoy what is important.
More on Mr Beams and its parent company, Wireless Environment, at
Monday, July 26, 2010
"Crooks Hate Light!"

I was talking to a customer today who was so excited about our Security Spotlight. He couldn't believe that a wireless product existed with such flexible mounting conditions. Robert's frustration is that security lighting is a luxury that few people can afford but that everyone deserves. He's right. You can mount the Spotlight on the front of your garage, outside of a man-door, at your mailbox--anywhere that additional lighting makes you feel safer. Timed lights and traditional motion-sensor lights depend on electricity to operate--if there's a power outage or if the timer feature is out of sync with your light (which happens a lot at our house), the lights are ineffective.
Desperate times mean desperate measures. With additional property lighting, you can minimize the threat of intruders and deter any would-be trespassers. As Robert said, "CROOKS HATE LIGHT." Let Mr Beams help you protect your home and your family affordably because no one should be deprived of home security.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Good Bright Lights by Molly Bloom
Wireless Environment offers great products with their Mr Beams LED lights which are bright and effective and offer a lighting solution for people who don't want to or cannot run wires themselves or call an electrician to install lighting where they need it and where it may not be possible due to space, budgetary or time constraints, such as senior citizens looking for additional lighting in their home as a safety measure (think about going down the stairs in the dark), or students needing supplemental lighting for their dorms (think about a night owl itching to read or write but hesitant about generating light pollution around sleeping roommates) without the expenses or aggravation associated with lights that require wires, cords and plugs which are not always available in older homes, rental properties and institutions such as dormitories, assisted living facilities and nursing homes.
Whew--Joyce can keep his prize for "stream of consciousness"....
Buy Mr Beams lights--they're practical, affordable, and readily available. For more uses and how to buy online, visit
Whew--Joyce can keep his prize for "stream of consciousness"....
Buy Mr Beams lights--they're practical, affordable, and readily available. For more uses and how to buy online, visit
battery operated light,
LED light
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Emergency & First Aid Kits: More Than Just Band-Aids
When you think of an emergency or first aid kit, what comes to mind? Band-Aids and gauze? Saltines and bottled water? A flashlight's a given, but why not add a lighting source that would provide illumination only when needed and hands-free? That's what you'll get when you add a Mr Beams Anywhere Ceiling Light to your safety checklist.
First Aid kits ought to be stashed around your house, garage and workshop. Don't forget your car. You never know when an emergency will creep up. You should include the obvious, like aspirin, first aid ointment, bandages, and a flashlight, but items such as tweezers, scissors, batteries, a blanket and a Mr Beams light can be essential, particularly if you are going to be without immediate assistance for any period of time. The motion-sensor technology in Mr Beams lights means that you can conserve battery power by only using the light when you need it--as long as the fixtures detect motion, they will stay illuminated. However, when you're not using the lights, they will shut off automatically, preserving valuable battery life.
Mr Beams lights are small, so you can stick them easily in any first aid or emergency kit. You can also slide one in the glove compartment or console of your car, but make sure you don't install the batteries first or the lights could activate if it's dark enough in there and they sense any movement while you're driving. These products are indispensable and provide security and comfort in dark situations.
Protect yourself and your family by investing a small amount of time and money in an emergency kit that will provide you with a few items of convenience and safety. As Uncle Ben said, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
First Aid kits ought to be stashed around your house, garage and workshop. Don't forget your car. You never know when an emergency will creep up. You should include the obvious, like aspirin, first aid ointment, bandages, and a flashlight, but items such as tweezers, scissors, batteries, a blanket and a Mr Beams light can be essential, particularly if you are going to be without immediate assistance for any period of time. The motion-sensor technology in Mr Beams lights means that you can conserve battery power by only using the light when you need it--as long as the fixtures detect motion, they will stay illuminated. However, when you're not using the lights, they will shut off automatically, preserving valuable battery life.
Mr Beams lights are small, so you can stick them easily in any first aid or emergency kit. You can also slide one in the glove compartment or console of your car, but make sure you don't install the batteries first or the lights could activate if it's dark enough in there and they sense any movement while you're driving. These products are indispensable and provide security and comfort in dark situations.
Protect yourself and your family by investing a small amount of time and money in an emergency kit that will provide you with a few items of convenience and safety. As Uncle Ben said, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Closets, Dorm Rooms and Lights...Oh, My!
"Back to School" sales start earlier and earlier each year, it seems. Walking through a department store the other day, I saw all of the requisite college supplies on display and then some. When I was in college, a dorm room was basically four walls (painted concrete block), tile floor, bare bulb in the ceiling. Now, there are bright storage cubes that double as seating, funky portable shelving, storage drawers, and really cute lighting options: multi-colored desk lamps, floor lamps, and table lamps. One must-have light for all students is at least one battery operated light from Mr Beams.
Wireless Environment offers a line of LED battery operated lights which are perfect for dorms. The Anywhere Ceiling Light can be mounted or placed in closets, on desks or shelves to provide supplemental lighting without the hassle of wires or plugs. Students like the hands-free feature of motion detection, which means that you can look through your closet, drawers, cubby without having to hold a flashlight or flip on a light.
One concern I had as a student at Ohio University in Athens, OH was the frequent power outages we experienced. Limited back up power meant dark (really dark) nights in our room. Studying meant a trip to the library, which was a hike through a dark or dimly lit campus. Supplemental lighting from Mr Beams would have allowed us to stay safely in our rooms to read, make flashcards, study with roommates.
Part of the campus life experience is social adjustment. Learning to live with roommates requires discipline and the art of compromise. No one appreciates light pollution--with a Stick Anywhere Night Light, students can make their way to the bathroom safely, change clothes, grab keys without disrupting sleeping roommates.
Preparing to leave for school can be an emotional roller coaster for kids and parents. We want to anticipate every need to ensure a successful school year. Be sure to carefully create your checklist so that you or your students is comfortable and confident at his or her "home away from home". Pack some Mr Beams lights for sure, and don't forget the cookies and ramen noodles.
Wireless Environment offers a line of LED battery operated lights which are perfect for dorms. The Anywhere Ceiling Light can be mounted or placed in closets, on desks or shelves to provide supplemental lighting without the hassle of wires or plugs. Students like the hands-free feature of motion detection, which means that you can look through your closet, drawers, cubby without having to hold a flashlight or flip on a light.
One concern I had as a student at Ohio University in Athens, OH was the frequent power outages we experienced. Limited back up power meant dark (really dark) nights in our room. Studying meant a trip to the library, which was a hike through a dark or dimly lit campus. Supplemental lighting from Mr Beams would have allowed us to stay safely in our rooms to read, make flashcards, study with roommates.
Part of the campus life experience is social adjustment. Learning to live with roommates requires discipline and the art of compromise. No one appreciates light pollution--with a Stick Anywhere Night Light, students can make their way to the bathroom safely, change clothes, grab keys without disrupting sleeping roommates.
Preparing to leave for school can be an emotional roller coaster for kids and parents. We want to anticipate every need to ensure a successful school year. Be sure to carefully create your checklist so that you or your students is comfortable and confident at his or her "home away from home". Pack some Mr Beams lights for sure, and don't forget the cookies and ramen noodles.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Mr Beams: Great Lights for Dorm Rooms

Wireless Environment co-founder, David Levine, went to his college reunion in May and realized that everything on campus had changed! One thing that had not changed: not enough light in any dorm room. Most dorm rooms, especially the older ones, don't have central ceiling lights, making the students responsible for any plug-in or supplemental lighting.
On a college kid's budget (or his parents'!), Mr Beams products are the perfect lighting solution. The battery operated LED light fixtures run on standard alkaline batteries and offer bright light without wires. The motion sensor technology means that the lights are only active when they detect motion--perfect to prevent stumbling around in the dark when you don't want to wake your roommates. When there's no motion present, the lights are simply 'off'.
The Anywhere Ceiling Light is a great all purpose light that can be mounted in closets, cupboards, bathrooms, alcoves--anywhere a student might need some supplemental (and affordable!) lighting. The portability of Mr Beams means that, at the end of the year, the lights get packed up and stored. Totally reusable. Put Mr Beams on your student's Supplies List.
Mr Beams Says "Thank You" To Bill From Middletown, NJ!
It's human nature to report what's wrong with things--we criticize the government, our management team, our family members--sadly, we don't make the time to catch people doing things right. A great big "thank you" from us to Bill in Middletown, NJ who actually took the time to phone us simply to tell us how much he likes the Mr Beams lights.
Bill bought a pack of the Stick Anywhere Night Lights to install along his stairway. As he and his wife get older, they are taking care with ensuring that their home and property are equipped with products that can help them live safely with potential physical constraints associated with aging. The battery operated Night Lights affix anywhere quickly and easily with either simple adhesive or hardware--both options are included with the product. As soon as the lights sense motion, they turn on--providing safe passage up and down the stairs.
The next project on Bill's list is to brighten his closet. Previous entries in this blog attest to the fact that many closets are not equipped with a light source. If you stop to think about the number of residences over fifty years old--including homes, dorms, institutions--there may be as many as 240 million closets without light in the U.S. alone! Many older houses never had closet light and the prospect of rewiring to accommodate that requirement can be costly. Additionally, building codes prohibit installing incandescent lights in smaller spaces (such as closets) because of the heat they generate. This leaves low-level fluorescent light as the only option. However, an Anywhere Ceiling Light, equipped with a bright LED, can satisfy the need for supplemental lighting very efficiently and the result is surprisingly effective. The Ceiling Light is perfect for Bill and his wife. At around $30, they will be able to comfortably navigate through their closet.
Bill, if you're reading this, we want you to know that you are the person our business is built around. Helping people to help themselves is our goal. Our thanks to you for taking the time to let us know we're doing our jobs.
Mr Beams has all sorts of ways to help you solve your lighting problems. Visit the Idea Center for more details.
Bill bought a pack of the Stick Anywhere Night Lights to install along his stairway. As he and his wife get older, they are taking care with ensuring that their home and property are equipped with products that can help them live safely with potential physical constraints associated with aging. The battery operated Night Lights affix anywhere quickly and easily with either simple adhesive or hardware--both options are included with the product. As soon as the lights sense motion, they turn on--providing safe passage up and down the stairs.
The next project on Bill's list is to brighten his closet. Previous entries in this blog attest to the fact that many closets are not equipped with a light source. If you stop to think about the number of residences over fifty years old--including homes, dorms, institutions--there may be as many as 240 million closets without light in the U.S. alone! Many older houses never had closet light and the prospect of rewiring to accommodate that requirement can be costly. Additionally, building codes prohibit installing incandescent lights in smaller spaces (such as closets) because of the heat they generate. This leaves low-level fluorescent light as the only option. However, an Anywhere Ceiling Light, equipped with a bright LED, can satisfy the need for supplemental lighting very efficiently and the result is surprisingly effective. The Ceiling Light is perfect for Bill and his wife. At around $30, they will be able to comfortably navigate through their closet.
Bill, if you're reading this, we want you to know that you are the person our business is built around. Helping people to help themselves is our goal. Our thanks to you for taking the time to let us know we're doing our jobs.
Mr Beams has all sorts of ways to help you solve your lighting problems. Visit the Idea Center for more details.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Going Green
Reduce, reuse, recycle. There's even a song about it by Jack Johnson that kids sing enthusiastically. But what does it mean? We all know that the green and blue trash bins in the park, mall, and school are where you put your cans and bottles. The rest of our garbage goes in the "other ones". We've retrained ourselves to conserve water when brushing our teeth and not to worry so much about the lawn--after all, that's just cultivating vanity, right? Don't forget to turn off the lights when we don't need them. Or better yet, install off grid lighting which will work only when you need it. Here's how:
Pick up some wireless Mr Beams lights. There are six models from which to choose. They vary in style, brightness and color, but essentially, all of the lights work on the same principle--when it's dark and the lights detect motion, they activate. As long as there's motion, the lights remain on. After a period of time (you can adjust the amount of time a light stays on), the light shuts off. Think about the practicality of this lighting solution: at your front door, over your garage, near your shed, in your basement stairs--anywhere you might have to manually flip a switch for light, you can place a Mr Beams fixture which will give you the benefit of light without taxing your meter.
No plugs, wires, cords make it easy and affordable to install. Additional benefits are measures of security and safety--if you've never had a motion detection lighting system on your property, you'll quickly appreciate the peace of mind when you pull into your driveway and the lights go on and stay on until you and your family are safely indoors.
"Off-grid" doesn't just mean solar panels and wind turbines. Battery operated lights may not be as big or fancy, but they're certainly accessible and give everyone the opportunity to participate in sustainability. Batteries can be recycled, LED lights last a lifetime--as we get smarter about green choices, they'll be more adaptable for everyone.
Click here to learn more about green lighting and visit to check out the Mr Beams lights.
Pick up some wireless Mr Beams lights. There are six models from which to choose. They vary in style, brightness and color, but essentially, all of the lights work on the same principle--when it's dark and the lights detect motion, they activate. As long as there's motion, the lights remain on. After a period of time (you can adjust the amount of time a light stays on), the light shuts off. Think about the practicality of this lighting solution: at your front door, over your garage, near your shed, in your basement stairs--anywhere you might have to manually flip a switch for light, you can place a Mr Beams fixture which will give you the benefit of light without taxing your meter.
No plugs, wires, cords make it easy and affordable to install. Additional benefits are measures of security and safety--if you've never had a motion detection lighting system on your property, you'll quickly appreciate the peace of mind when you pull into your driveway and the lights go on and stay on until you and your family are safely indoors.
"Off-grid" doesn't just mean solar panels and wind turbines. Battery operated lights may not be as big or fancy, but they're certainly accessible and give everyone the opportunity to participate in sustainability. Batteries can be recycled, LED lights last a lifetime--as we get smarter about green choices, they'll be more adaptable for everyone.
Click here to learn more about green lighting and visit to check out the Mr Beams lights.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Your Turn...
Where Do You Need Light?
Mr Beams products promote independent living by providing hands-free lighting
Easy installation allows you to quickly and efficiently illuminate any space, inside our outside
Provide safety to loved ones by installing Mr Beams battery operated LED lights on walkways, paths, driveways, stairways
Softly illuminate light-sensitive areas, such as nurseries and dorm rooms
Safely provide a lighted area on docks and boat decks
Deter nocturnal animals from damaging your property by installing low maintenance battery operated LED lights in your yard
Create ambience by installing Mr Beams indoor/outdoor LED lights in your outdoor living space
Maximize your storage by installing Mr Beams lighting in closets, pantries and attics
Mr Beams products promote independent living by providing hands-free lighting
Easy installation allows you to quickly and efficiently illuminate any space, inside our outside
Provide safety to loved ones by installing Mr Beams battery operated LED lights on walkways, paths, driveways, stairways
Softly illuminate light-sensitive areas, such as nurseries and dorm rooms
Safely provide a lighted area on docks and boat decks
Deter nocturnal animals from damaging your property by installing low maintenance battery operated LED lights in your yard
Create ambience by installing Mr Beams indoor/outdoor LED lights in your outdoor living space
Maximize your storage by installing Mr Beams lighting in closets, pantries and attics
closet light,
LED light
...More on Wireless Deck Lights
Can you outfit your deck or patio with ambient lighting for under $200 and in less than an hour? YES! With Wireless Environment's Step Lights and Path Lights, you can add up to eight LED wireless lights to enhance your outdoor living space. If you've been following this blog, you'll already know that the Mr Beams products are a better value than solar lights and much more affordable than traditional lights which often require professional installation.
The Step Lights can be mounted directly to any surface and are literally maintenance-free. Once you install the batteries, the product is ready to go. With the optional "glow" feature, you can achieve continuous ambient lighting which brightens with motion detection, or if you prefer, you can disable the "glow" feature to allow the motion detection technology to function alone. The Path Lights provide you with all of the features of the Step Light with the added convenience of a remote control function, allowing you to manipulate the lights at will, once darkness falls. Additionally, the Path Lights' kit includes two lights with mounting brackets and stakes so that no hardware is required; stakes simply plug into the ground.
It's easy and affordable to beautify your landscaping with LED lighting. Contact for more information.
The Step Lights can be mounted directly to any surface and are literally maintenance-free. Once you install the batteries, the product is ready to go. With the optional "glow" feature, you can achieve continuous ambient lighting which brightens with motion detection, or if you prefer, you can disable the "glow" feature to allow the motion detection technology to function alone. The Path Lights provide you with all of the features of the Step Light with the added convenience of a remote control function, allowing you to manipulate the lights at will, once darkness falls. Additionally, the Path Lights' kit includes two lights with mounting brackets and stakes so that no hardware is required; stakes simply plug into the ground.
It's easy and affordable to beautify your landscaping with LED lighting. Contact for more information.
Dock & Deck Light
As Napolean said, "a picture's worth a thousand words." Yesterday, we were blogging about a customer's successful application using Mr Beams products on his boat. What makes the most sense is to showour readers how the product works. Check out the image. By mounting a Step Light to your dock (our customer, John, actually mounted them flat) or deck, you can achieve an effective lighting solution. These particular lights provide what Wireless Environment calls a "low glow", which means that, as soon as it gets dark, the products emit a soft light. However, as soon as motion is detected (from as far away as 15'), the brightness intensifies. Here's what you might not know about Mr Beams:
*All lights are weatherproof, and backed by an IP44 rating. This means that you can use the products outdoors with the assurance that they will work just fine.
*The construction of the Mr Beams products is superior to other battery operated lighting solutions. The optics are proprietary design and, in conjunction with the high quality LED bulb that is used, provide cleaner and brighter light than any comparable product.
*All lights install in minutes! You can use either the hardware/adhesive that comes with each and every product or you can mount using your own hardware. Lights can be mounted anywhere--for a temporary or permanent effect--giving you flexibility in your lighting options.
*The lights were designed to promote safety and security for independent living for seniors. The co-founders grandmother, who fell while walking in the dark, was the inspiration to the product line.
*There is a remote control option on two of the products which allows you to manually activate or deactivate the light source.
Check out the full line of Mr Beams products on where you'll also find additional photos and product specs.
Marina dock light,
Mr Beams,
Step Light
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Boat & Dock Lighting Made Easy & Affordable
If you've ever been on a pleasure boat you can appreciate the tight quarters. Cozy is a euphemism! Every inch of space is engineered for effectiveness. You have odd-shaped cupboards and drawers and nooks and crannies everywhere so there is no wasted space. The boat manufacturers have carefully orchestrated the plumbing and wiring because, once the walls and ceilings are intact, modifications are impossible or at least extremely difficult. If you have been following this blog, you know by now that Wireless Environment listens to its customers! We want to share application success stories so that our audience can find reasonable and affordable lighting solutions. Mr Beams lights are the perfect resolution to lighting challenges on your boat, dock and in your marina.
One of our customers, John, was complaining about the lack of light in the bow of his boat. He had an electrician survey the area to see if it was possible to wire for supplemental lighting and a sound system. The electrician reiterated that the lack of real estate on a boat generally prevents any after-market wiring enhancements. At the customers insistence, the electrician cobbled some wires together and tried his best to camouflage his handiwork, but there was no where to hide the wiring! Consequently, the customer abandoned his project until he found Mr Beams LED lights. With some adhesive, John was able to mount an Anywhere Ceiling Light in the bow of his boat and is extremely satisfied with the results. In addition to a neat installation, he finds that he appreciates the motion sensor lights better than a traditional lighting product. In the dark, as soon as someone enters the bow, the lights activate, providing our customer, his wife or any guests with enough light to make their way to bed, grab a jacket, change clothes--whatever task they are trying to accomplish--safely and easily.
With the success of the Anywhere Ceiling Light, John returned to us (we love that!) to see if we could provide him with light on his dock. He'd finagled lighting using rope lights and a tangle of extension cords. The effects of the rope lights were OK, but the hassle of the cords were unsafe and unsightly. We offered the Step Light, which mounts easily to any surface. The lights are IP44 rated, which means they are able to withstand splashproof environments, including rain. Perfect! John mounted four along his dock. The lights glow at darkness and brighten when they detect motion. The cords are gone and John has been our best advertisement at his marina. (Thank you, John!)
These are the stories that keep us inspired and help us to understand what you want. Customer feedback is one of the most valuable resources we've got--it's free!--and we find that, by reaching out to follow up how our customers are doing, they are more than happy to share their comments with us. We are grateful for our customers and committed to never being too big to care about them.
You can share your stories about Mr Beams at where you can also find lighting tips and learn about lighting technology.
One of our customers, John, was complaining about the lack of light in the bow of his boat. He had an electrician survey the area to see if it was possible to wire for supplemental lighting and a sound system. The electrician reiterated that the lack of real estate on a boat generally prevents any after-market wiring enhancements. At the customers insistence, the electrician cobbled some wires together and tried his best to camouflage his handiwork, but there was no where to hide the wiring! Consequently, the customer abandoned his project until he found Mr Beams LED lights. With some adhesive, John was able to mount an Anywhere Ceiling Light in the bow of his boat and is extremely satisfied with the results. In addition to a neat installation, he finds that he appreciates the motion sensor lights better than a traditional lighting product. In the dark, as soon as someone enters the bow, the lights activate, providing our customer, his wife or any guests with enough light to make their way to bed, grab a jacket, change clothes--whatever task they are trying to accomplish--safely and easily.
With the success of the Anywhere Ceiling Light, John returned to us (we love that!) to see if we could provide him with light on his dock. He'd finagled lighting using rope lights and a tangle of extension cords. The effects of the rope lights were OK, but the hassle of the cords were unsafe and unsightly. We offered the Step Light, which mounts easily to any surface. The lights are IP44 rated, which means they are able to withstand splashproof environments, including rain. Perfect! John mounted four along his dock. The lights glow at darkness and brighten when they detect motion. The cords are gone and John has been our best advertisement at his marina. (Thank you, John!)
These are the stories that keep us inspired and help us to understand what you want. Customer feedback is one of the most valuable resources we've got--it's free!--and we find that, by reaching out to follow up how our customers are doing, they are more than happy to share their comments with us. We are grateful for our customers and committed to never being too big to care about them.
You can share your stories about Mr Beams at where you can also find lighting tips and learn about lighting technology.
boat light,
deck light,
dock light,
marina light
Monday, July 12, 2010
Mr Beams Wants To Help You
Every day our customers tell us where they need light. We are learning about new applications that have folks scratching their heads or feeling discouraged because of the costs associated with hiring an electrician to shed some light in a particular area. We work hard to help you satisfy your lighting challenges. However, as the "little guy", we don't have the brand recognition to propel us through the variety of markets and channels that ultimately lead to you, the person we're trying to reach to help you resolve your lighting problem.
We are working diligently to manage our resources to be sure that your requirements are met. Keep your stories, comments, suggestions coming. We are here to serve you and take your feedback very seriously--it's what drives our business.
Thank you for your continued support. Visit our website,, and shop for our products! We appreciate you.
We are working diligently to manage our resources to be sure that your requirements are met. Keep your stories, comments, suggestions coming. We are here to serve you and take your feedback very seriously--it's what drives our business.
Thank you for your continued support. Visit our website,, and shop for our products! We appreciate you.
Get Rid of Skunks Safely
We love hearing your stories! Last week we met with a customer who was really excited to share a unique lighting application with us. One summer night, Tom heard a ruckus on his front porch. When he went to investigate, he found a family of skunks--at least thirteen of them--carousing near his front door. After some flailing and shooing (on Tom's part), the crowd finally dispersed, in no apparent hurry. Tom followed the critters from a safe distance to see them finally squeeze under his back deck.
Googling for advice, Tom found the consensus to safely and quietly discourage the furry squatters is to position a light on their front door. Tom's "a ha!" moment was remembering that Mr Beams offers motion detection lighting. Carefully, Tom angled a couple of Spotlights on the hole under his deck. Whenever one of the skunks passed in front of the fixture, 120 lumens of light sprang into action. Within a couple of days, Tom's property was skunk-free.
Congratulations, Tom, for your quick-thinking, rodent-ridding solution. We loved it.
How can Mr Beams help you? Visit to learn more from our Idea Center.
Googling for advice, Tom found the consensus to safely and quietly discourage the furry squatters is to position a light on their front door. Tom's "a ha!" moment was remembering that Mr Beams offers motion detection lighting. Carefully, Tom angled a couple of Spotlights on the hole under his deck. Whenever one of the skunks passed in front of the fixture, 120 lumens of light sprang into action. Within a couple of days, Tom's property was skunk-free.
Congratulations, Tom, for your quick-thinking, rodent-ridding solution. We loved it.
How can Mr Beams help you? Visit to learn more from our Idea Center.
pest control,
skunk removal
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Mr Beams: Handy & Hands-Free
Everyone can relate to this scenario: get home from the store/work/school, hands full, fumbling for keys, lights, doorknobs. Make it dark and you are really scrambling. Wireless Environment can't help you with your packages, but they can help to provide you with reliable, hands-free lighting that will at least provide you with some illumination as you manage your way through the door.
Mr Beams lights offer flexible lighting options where you need them. No wiring is required, so you can simply position the motion-sensitive lights in your path of progress, whether it's a Spotlight outside of an entryway, Path Lights along the walkway or Stick Anywhere Night Lights stuck (literally) next to your door. The convenience of having hands-free lighting allows you to balance packages, locate your keys or punch in your keyless entry or security code without the hassle of locating a light switch. As a practical light source Mr Beams is a smart choice. The security associated with motion-detection lighting will give you one less worry as you head home.
Learn more about Mr Beams at Share your stories with other users!
Mr Beams lights offer flexible lighting options where you need them. No wiring is required, so you can simply position the motion-sensitive lights in your path of progress, whether it's a Spotlight outside of an entryway, Path Lights along the walkway or Stick Anywhere Night Lights stuck (literally) next to your door. The convenience of having hands-free lighting allows you to balance packages, locate your keys or punch in your keyless entry or security code without the hassle of locating a light switch. As a practical light source Mr Beams is a smart choice. The security associated with motion-detection lighting will give you one less worry as you head home.
Learn more about Mr Beams at Share your stories with other users!
battery operated lights,
outdoor lighting
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Guest Blogger, Victoria, from Huntington Beach, CA, on Path Lights
My mom is a sixty-something widow whose recent move to a condo has given her new-found freedom to really enjoy her life. My siblings and I were worrying about her maintaining a house after my stepdad passed away when she decided that a condominium would be an appropriate living space for her. She is now able to focus on what she loves--her grandchildren, gardening and travel.
Since the major upkeep at her condo is performed by the association, she enjoys concentrating on the aesthetics of her home and landscape. A few weeks ago, she was shopping for lights that could be mounted on her front steps and along her path where lighting is a little lackluster. After complaining that there is "nothing on the market" to satisfy her requirement, we found Mr Beams lights. We mounted a Step Light on the railing of her front porch and some Path Lights along her brick walkway. The results are both aesthetically pleasing and effective--she now has walkway lighting for security and safety and the glow that the lights emit when it's dark and there's no motion looks great against the landscape.
We want to see more people take advantage of these user friendly lights. My mom felt great that this was a project that she could do herself. Please--check out Mr Beams' website: to learn how you can improve your own living space or that of someone you love. Thanks for letting me share my story!--Victoria, Huntington Beach, CA
Since the major upkeep at her condo is performed by the association, she enjoys concentrating on the aesthetics of her home and landscape. A few weeks ago, she was shopping for lights that could be mounted on her front steps and along her path where lighting is a little lackluster. After complaining that there is "nothing on the market" to satisfy her requirement, we found Mr Beams lights. We mounted a Step Light on the railing of her front porch and some Path Lights along her brick walkway. The results are both aesthetically pleasing and effective--she now has walkway lighting for security and safety and the glow that the lights emit when it's dark and there's no motion looks great against the landscape.
We want to see more people take advantage of these user friendly lights. My mom felt great that this was a project that she could do herself. Please--check out Mr Beams' website: to learn how you can improve your own living space or that of someone you love. Thanks for letting me share my story!--Victoria, Huntington Beach, CA
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