Thursday, July 22, 2010

Good Bright Lights by Molly Bloom

Wireless Environment offers great products with their Mr Beams LED lights which are bright and effective and offer a lighting solution for people who don't want to or cannot run wires themselves or call an electrician to install lighting where they need it and where it may not be possible due to space, budgetary or time constraints, such as senior citizens looking for additional lighting in their home as a safety measure (think about going down the stairs in the dark), or students needing supplemental lighting for their dorms (think about a night owl itching to read or write but hesitant about generating light pollution around sleeping roommates) without the expenses or aggravation associated with lights that require wires, cords and plugs which are not always available in older homes, rental properties and institutions such as dormitories, assisted living facilities and nursing homes.

Whew--Joyce can keep his prize for "stream of consciousness"....

Buy Mr Beams lights--they're practical, affordable, and readily available. For more uses and how to buy online, visit

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